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Hello again!

Yes, as you can read in the titel, WE WERE KINDA BADASSES AND SHOT A REAL GUN. Let’s emphasize REAL because that is –for us- still the shocking part of the story!

So, we came with this idea to shot a gun because how can you go to the United States and not shoot one? Right?

In our country, Belgium, it’s illegal to own one and that’s why we never saw a gun in real life, heard one or touched one.

We were in Salt Lake City and DAMN YES, we just went for it. We sound really cool and totally not scared at all right now, but let us start at the beginning.

First of all, we went to ‘TNT Guns & Range’ in Salt Lake City. Quick note: it was located right next to the Police Department, so we felt kinda safe.

When you enter the building, you will already be astonished by the quantity and the looks of the guns! (Or at least we were!)

After filling in a from which said we couldn’t claim the company in case of death (ofcourse it was described in better and more formal words than that), we could start with the explanation! A man showed us some different models of small guns and explained to us how it worked: how we can load the gun, how to pull the trigger, how to put the safety button on…

After that we got some ear and eye protection and we could enter the shooting hall!

Now it gets exciting!

After entering our lane, Britt was having a hard time. She was so shocked of the guns, the loud noise and the fact that death was suddenly really close, she had to take a step outside. Right next to us, there was a guy shooting with the loudest and toughest gun of the store, so the sound was indeed pretty impressive.

After some small talk, she was back ready to go!

We both first tried out a small gun and we had to do some exercise on the papers we had chosen before. Quite fun!

After that we went bigger and bigger… We tried a rifle gun, a gun with a muffler on it, Ief even tried an AK 47 AND A BROWNING M2! Mother jesus, that was a big and scary thing.

After some practice, a lot of bullets and so much fun, our American shooting experience was done.

No one was injured. No one was death. PHIEUWWHH, we were kinda happy to get out of there.

We are both happy we did this experience. Not only because it was on our bucket list to do in America, but also because now we know how dangerous and (actually) simple it is to shoot a gun and to kill someone. For the American people, it is such a normal thing and that is the scary part.

Not sure if the legalization of the guns is a good idea in America, but hey… we at least know how it feels now!

(Britt won’t do it again, Ief would totally want to go again)

Thanks again to the sweet man in the store who guided us the whole time (which they usually don’t do)!

Thanks for reading!




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